Centralized Thinking Is a Modern Mental Disease

One of the mental diseases of our age is centralized thinking. Most of us seem to have this hidden deep belief that we need a single boss for a system to work properly.

Why? It’s perhaps because it is counter-intuitive to think that some things don’t have central authority. Most of the things we encounter in our daily lives have central authority. From the day we enter a society, we start to participate in social groups like schools, local communities, and corporations where power and authority are centralized. So even when people observe a decentralized system like a flock of birds, they assume that there is a leader in this flock.

The idea of a decentralized system might be as radical as the Copernican theory in the 16th century. Just like people who couldn’t believe that the Earth is moving around a moon, people have hard time wrapping their heads around a decentralized system.

March 24, 2023